Belajar Secara Online
Hanya perlukan komputer dan internet, belajar ikut masa anda.
Buat Ikut Tutorial
Ringkas, mudah, senang faham dan praktikal.
Dapat Hasil
Tonton & terus buat. Sangkut? Kita ada support forum.
Online courses
Create unlimited courses using the easy to use front end course creation interface.
Student Management
Student management for every course. Manage courses and students using easy to use interface.
Award Certificates
Award passing certificates to students. Validate certificates using certificate codes.
Award Badges
Award excellence badges to deserving students in course. Integrate with Mozilla open Badges.
E-Learning Portal
With wplms you get a lot powerful features yo start your online business.
- Create courses online
- Sell courses online
- Earn commissions online
- Filters and search courses online
- Drip content, Unit specific drip, Section-wise drip
- Course start date, Course Seats
- Unit Start date and time
Get started with Online Education !
Reach more users, generate more content, earn more commissions !
Get started with online education
Get started now Online courses, create and sell courses, students, course stats, student stats, reports, import export and much more..